Judging Update

The BMJ Awards: Revised judging process

Step 1

Shortlist entries

The BMJ Awards is extremely proud of its high standards, which it maintains through a robust judging process. Once the submission of entries closes, our internal champions (mostly doctors and senior editors within BMJ) and an expert judge shortlist all submitted entries. Each category will have 5-6 shortlisted teams. The shortlist will be announced in February 2020.

Step 2

Judging for shortlisted teams

All shortlisted teams are invited to submit a video presentation of their project, a maximum 10 minutes. A panel consisting of a BMJ champion and three expert judges will review presentations for each category. Based on the information provided in the entry forms of every shortlisted team plus the video presentation by the team, the judges will make a final decision on the winners.

Step 3

Announcing the winners

All winners will be announced on Wednesday 22 April. In the interest of transparency and to share learning between the teams, we will create a portal for teams to view all the video presentations. Extensive coverage of all winners and finalists will be covered following the announcement.

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